Environment & Sustainability

Forestry, Industry and Their Replacements

The forest gives us an abundance of life we all admire and benefit from it. Whether your livelihood depends on the harvest of the timber or the young child breathing that first breath of brisk fresh air, we all are, in some way, dependent on those trees.

pipers lagoon sustainable death

The forest gives us an abundance of life we all admire and benefit from it.  Whether your livelihood depends on the harvest of the timber or the young child breathing that first breath of brisk fresh air, we all are, in some way, dependent on those trees.  We complain when we harvest them and we complain when we don’t.  Timber has been this lands tradition and this community is dependent on the trees.  Exporting our timber to the highest bidder seems counter intuitive to the local but, to the mighty corporation who sees profits, this is the standard by which to conduct business.  Without consciousness and without malese the insatiable harvest of the very thing we need to survive is completely immoral, but in keeping with the traditions this community was founded.

Our traditions are not without their peaceful intent but the slow death of the forest and the life within is understood that the same fate is left for us all.  We certainly share the same fate of the trees and this is all willfully be accomplished by the economic power of industry.  I would like to keep our trees, thank you; and I think we are enough of a diverse community to innovate a better way that benefits everything.  The mother of all invention is necessity and there are companies who have found ways to replace harmful practices replaces it with something beneficial.

Recycling plastic into another purpose is one of these innovative industries that replaces the need for wood products and also replaces the jobs.  Another example of environmental innovation is a new company on Vancouver Island called Living Reef Memorial (Canada). Living Reef Memorial will take your loved ones ashes and construct an artificial reef with them.    This replaces a traditionally destructive practice and leaves a civic asset instead of an environmental debt. These people saw that the burial industry was destroying habitat and harming the planet.   They engineered an innovative way to not only restore our failing coastal marine ecosystems, create jobs, and fills the needs of the consumer all at the same time.

It is time for all of us to look outside of the box and foster these innovative solutions to our overwhelming environmental issues. .  If you would like to learn more about how you can be a part of this wonderful solution visit their website www.livingreefmemorial.ca. or phone 250-924-8484

Together we can create something great.

If you are requesting information due to a very recent (or imminent) death, please accept our deepest sympathies for your loss. Get in touch with us today for your information kit.

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Disclaimer* These photos are of tropical waters, and are for illustration only.